We know there is another publication called 'Better Photography' published in India. However, we are the original and (naturally) the best!
Back in 1995, my wife Kathie and I worked with another publisher, producing a photography magazine. Things changed and suddenly we found ourselves without a contract - so we started Better Photography Magazine. Our first issue was published in Summer 1995 - and summer in Australia is December.
According to Wikipedia, Better Photography in India started in 1997, so one or two years later. I was on a product launch in Asia a little after this when I met a journalist who worked for the Indian publication. He didn't quite know what to say to me when we both had name tags saying we worked for Better Photography magazine - I imagine he thought I was copying the Indian publication!
So, why haven't we taken legal action? Well, back in 1997, the internet wasn't really a thing and the Australian and Indian markets were quite separate. So someone publishing Better Photography in India made no real difference to me here in Australia - at that stage.
Today, I include this article on our website for readers from India who are trying to find their local publication. When the internet began, a friend of mine suggested I grab www.betterphotography.com and www.betterphotography.com.au because you never know what might happen. That was great advice!
Of course, if you are an Indian photographer looking for a great magazine, please feel free to subscribe to us :>)